Car Warning Lights

13 августа 2024 г. по
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Many of us do not know what the warning signs that appear on the dashboard of cars mean, and cause confusion and tension for some; as a result of people's conflicting opinions about the meaning of the sign, and as we always accustomed you, "Musa Cars" provides you through a series of articles, the meanings of all the warning signs that you may need.


Fog lights, the sign appears when the fog lights are turned on, and disappears when they are turned off, and may appear when there is a malfunction in the fog lights system.


(POWER STEERING) This sign appears when there is a malfunction in the power steering system (steering wheel), and the reason for its appearance is the low oil level in the system.


It means the rear fog light sign.


It means a low water tank for the wipers


It means there is a malfunction in the brake pads or coils


It appears when the cruise control is activated


It appears when turning right or left, or in a waiting state


Rain and light sensor


Cold weather driving mode light


It means the information light


It means the ignition indicator for diesel cars, and it appears when there is a problem with the spark plugs or spark plugs


Freeze/frost light


Ignition key warning light


It appears when the key is not in the car and is specific to cars equipped with fingerprint


Weak battery


Distance indicator for cars equipped with radar


Clutch pedal light


Brake pedal light


Steering lock light


High beam light


Tire pressure light


Side lighting light

Follow us to know the rest of the warning signs in the upcoming blogs.

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